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페이스북 트위터 
汉语口语速成(入门篇)(上册)(第三版) 한어구어속성(입문편)(상책)(제3판)(QR코드 음성지원) Short-Term Spoken Chinese 3rd Edition : Threshold(Volume1)
판매가 27,000원  할인내역

구분 할인
기본할인 12,300원
적립금 147원
배송 택배 70,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
전자상거래 상품정보 제공 고시
도서명 汉语口语速成(入门篇)(上册)(第三版)(附光盘) 한어구어속성(입문편)(상책)(제3판)(CD포함) Short-Term Spoken Chinese 3rd Edition : Threshold(Volume1)
저자, 출판사 马箭飞 (编者),北京大学出版社
크기 25.4 x 18.2 x 1 cm
쪽수 167
ISBN 9787301257357
출간일 2015年8月1日
목차 또는 책소개 目录 第1课 你好 Lesson 1 Hello 语音Phonetics 1.声母和韵母 Initials and finals 2.声调 Tones 3.声调位置 Tone position 4.轻声 Neutral tone 5.变调 Tone changes 第2课 你好吗 Lesson 2 How are you 语音Phonetics 1.隔音符号 Dividing mark 2.儿化 Retroflex final 第3课 你吃什么 Lesson 3 What do you want to eat 第4课 多少钱 Lesson 4 How much is it 语音Phonetics 1.ü的拼写 Spelling rules of “ü” 2.i的拼写 Spelling rules of “i” 3.iou的拼写 Spelling rules of “iou” 4.j、q、x与ü的拼写 Spelling rules of “j”, “q”, “x” and “ü” 第5课 图书馆在哪儿 Lesson 5 Where is the library 语音Phonetics 1.u的拼写 Spelling rules of “u” 2.uei、uen的拼写 Spelling rules of “uei” and “uen” 3.“一”的变调 Changes of tones of “一” 第6课 我来介绍一下 Lesson 6 Let me introduce 语法Grammar 1.汉语的一般语序 The word order in a Chinese sentence 2.“是”字句(1) The “是” sentence(1) 3.定语和结构助词“的” The attributive and the structural particle “的” 4.形容词谓语句 Sentences with an adjectival predicate 第7课 你身体好吗 Lesson 7 How is your health 语法Grammar 1.主谓谓语句 Sentence with a “subject—predicate” predicate 2.疑问句(1) Questions (1) 3.正反疑问句 Affirmative—negative question 4.“有”字句 The “有” sentences 第8课 你是哪国人 Lesson 8 Which country are you from 语法Grammar 1.疑问句(2) Questions (2) 2.介词结构 The prepositional construction 3.“几”和“多少” “几” and “多少” 4.数量短语作定语 Number—measure phrases as attributive 第9课 你家有几口人 Lesson 9 How many people are there in your family 语法Grammar 1.询问家庭人口 Asking about the number of people in a family 2.询问职业 Asking about professions 3.询问年龄 Asking about ages 第10课 现在几点 Lesson 10 What time is it now 语法Grammar 1.名词谓语句 Sentences with a nominal predicate 2.钟点的读法 Ways of telling the time 3.年、月、日及星期表示法 Ways of expressing year, month, day and week 第11课 办公楼在教学楼北边 Lesson 11 The teaching building is to the north of the administration building 语法Grammar 1.存在句 Sentences indicating existence 2.方位词 Nouns of locality 第12课 要红的还是要蓝的 Lesson 12 What do you want, the red one or the blue one 语法Grammar 1.“的”字结构 The “的” construction 2.选择疑问句 Alternative questions 3.钱的计算 Counting money 第13课 您给我介绍介绍 Lesson 13 Please give me a brief introduction 语法Grammar 1.能愿动词(1):想、要 Modal verbs (1): “想” and “要” 2.动词重叠 Reduplication of verbs 3.又……又…… ...and... 4.“一点儿”和“有一点儿” “一点儿” and “有一点儿” 第14课 咱们去尝尝,好吗 Lesson 14 Let's have a taste, shall we 语法Grammar 1.用“……,好吗”提问 Tag question “…,好吗” 2.“……是……” The construction “……是……” 3.双宾句 Sentences with a predicate verb taking two objects 第15课 去邮局怎么走 Lesson 15 How can I get to the post office 语法Grammar 1.用疑问代词“多”提问 Questions with the interrogative pronoun “多” 2.概数 The approximate number 3.“还是……吧” The expression “还是……吧” 听力练习录音文本 Listening scripts 词汇表 Vocabulary
고객평가 1건  ★★★★★ 5/5
저자 马箭飞 (编者)
ISBN 9787301257357
출판사 北京大学出版社
총 상품금액 14,700


  • 出版社: 北京大学出版社; 第1版 (2015年8月1日)
  • 平装: 167页
  • 语种: 简体中文
  • 开本: 16
  • ISBN: 9787301257357
  • 条形码: 9787301257357
  • 商品尺寸: 25.4 x 18.2 x 1 cm
  • 商品重量: 381 g







第1课 你好 Lesson 1 Hello 
1.声母和韵母 Initials and finals 
2.声调 Tones 
3.声调位置 Tone position 
4.轻声 Neutral tone 
5.变调 Tone changes 
第2课 你好吗 Lesson 2 How are you 
1.隔音符号 Dividing mark 
2.儿化 Retroflex final 
第3课 你吃什么 Lesson 3 What do you want to eat 
第4课 多少钱 Lesson 4 How much is it 
1.ü的拼写 Spelling rules of “ü” 
2.i的拼写 Spelling rules of “i” 
3.iou的拼写 Spelling rules of “iou” 
4.j、q、x与ü的拼写 Spelling rules of “j”, “q”, “x” and “ü” 
第5课 图书馆在哪儿 Lesson 5 Where is the library 
1.u的拼写 Spelling rules of “u” 
2.uei、uen的拼写 Spelling rules of “uei” and “uen” 
3.“一”的变调 Changes of tones of “一” 
第6课 我来介绍一下 Lesson 6 Let me introduce 
1.汉语的一般语序 The word order in a Chinese sentence 
2.“是”字句(1) The “是” sentence(1) 
3.定语和结构助词“的” The attributive and the structural particle “的” 
4.形容词谓语句 Sentences with an adjectival predicate 
第7课 你身体好吗 Lesson 7 How is your health 
1.主谓谓语句 Sentence with a “subject—predicate” predicate 
2.疑问句(1) Questions (1) 
3.正反疑问句 Affirmative—negative question 
4.“有”字句 The “有” sentences 
第8课 你是哪国人 Lesson 8 Which country are you from 
1.疑问句(2) Questions (2) 
2.介词结构 The prepositional construction 
3.“几”和“多少” “几” and “多少” 
4.数量短语作定语 Number—measure phrases as attributive 
第9课 你家有几口人 Lesson 9 How many people are there in your family 
1.询问家庭人口 Asking about the number of people in a family 
2.询问职业 Asking about professions 
3.询问年龄 Asking about ages 
第10课 现在几点 Lesson 10 What time is it now 
1.名词谓语句 Sentences with a nominal predicate 
2.钟点的读法 Ways of telling the time 
3.年、月、日及星期表示法 Ways of expressing year, month, day and week 
第11课 办公楼在教学楼北边 Lesson 11 The teaching building is to the north of the administration building 
1.存在句 Sentences indicating existence 
2.方位词 Nouns of locality 
第12课 要红的还是要蓝的 Lesson 12 What do you want, the red one or the blue one 
1.“的”字结构 The “的” construction 
2.选择疑问句 Alternative questions 
3.钱的计算 Counting money 
第13课 您给我介绍介绍 Lesson 13 Please give me a brief introduction 
1.能愿动词(1):想、要 Modal verbs (1): “想” and “要” 
2.动词重叠 Reduplication of verbs 
3.又……又…… ...and... 
4.“一点儿”和“有一点儿” “一点儿” and “有一点儿” 
第14课 咱们去尝尝,好吗 Lesson 14 Let's have a taste, shall we 
1.用“……,好吗”提问 Tag question “…,好吗” 
2.“……是……” The construction “……是……” 
3.双宾句 Sentences with a predicate verb taking two objects 
第15课 去邮局怎么走 Lesson 15 How can I get to the post office 
1.用疑问代词“多”提问 Questions with the interrogative pronoun “多” 
2.概数 The approximate number 
3.“还是……吧” The expression “还是……吧” 
听力练习录音文本 Listening scripts 
词汇表 Vocabulary





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